



  1. 當天即可來回
  2. 完全客製化行程安排
  3. 大陸全區開戶:上海 、 廣州 、 珠海 、 廈門 、 平潭 、 福州
  4. 小團制,專業顧問全程帶領,一人成團,最多兩人
  5. 保證開戶,不成功全額退費
  6. 開完戶,有問題客服隨時幫您處理
  7. 創立至今已成功開出 500+ 戶
  8. 提供合法開戶所需文件及專業問答完整教學
  9. 價格透明、開戶當地費用全包、不額外收取車費、顧問費
  10. 可贈送證卷戶(需提前告知、珠海限定)

中國大陸銀行開戶團 ⇒ 立即加 Line 好友報名 



  1. 身分證
  2. 卡式台胞證
  3. 護照


  1. 工作證明
  2. 居住證明
  3. 台灣稅籍資料
  4. 大陸實名門號



  1. $9999/一戶 (當天來回)
  2. $17999/兩戶 (當天來回)
  3. $25999/三戶 (贈送一晚住宿)
  4. $32999/四戶 (贈送一晚住宿)



  1. 確定開戶地點及日期
  2. 填寫個人資料
  3. 繳付訂金
  4. 代訂機票(如有需要)
  5. 代訂酒店住宿(如有需要)
  6. 提供行前資料
  7. 繳付尾款
  8. 聯絡出團顧問


◊開戶大師 V.S. 其他業者 各項服務比較◊



看完以上比較表格,想參加 中國大陸銀行開戶團 ?!

開戶大師 – 絕對是您的最佳選擇 !

心動不如馬上行動 ⇒ 立即加 Line 好友報名 

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Bank Account Master – the most professional bank account consultant company in Taiwan. We provide you with customized package and multiple locations including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Zhuhai, and Pingtan to set up your bank account in China. You need to spend only one day and then we can help you to set up a bank account. you need to prepare for ID card and Taiwanese people certification only. we will help you to prepare for the other documents needed. Over 500+ customers had approached us and set up new china bank account successfully. we have a consultant who will accompany with you when you are there. and the max people in one group is two. we insists in small group to mack sure the quality. 


Besides, we can help you to book the flight ticket. it takes around five thousands from taoyuan to macua. the flight time will be 06:30 in the morning and come back at 08:30. we also offer the lowest price to set up the new bank account in Taiwan and no need to spend additional cost when you set up the account in China. furthermore, we will help you to buy a phone numbers, which help you to receive the qualified message when you use wechat pay or ali pay. last but not the least, once you fail to set up a new bank account in China, we will refund. however, based on the previous experiences, we haven’t refund to the customer. That said, we always make sure we achieve the customer’s request.